
What is a Computer?

What is a Computer

         1. What is a Computer?

  A Computer is an Electronic logical device which can process, store and outputs data at high speeds within a second.

  It is used for handling larger quantity of data and performing mathematics operations very rapidly. A Computer has no capacity to think and will perform tasks only when programs have been formulated.

N.B – In simple language , We can say that Computer is an Electronic Device Or machine which can calculate millions of calculation in a second.

        2.  What is the full meaning of computer ?

 C- Commonly , O- Operated, M- Machine, P- Particularly, 
 U- Used, T- Trade/Technology, E-  Engineering/Education, R-Reader.

Common Operating Machine Particularly used for Technology and Education Research.

         3. Who is the Father of Computer ?

   The father of Computer is Charles Babbage (1791-1871) , who was a great mathematical       genius also Economist and Engineer. (Invented 19th Century)

         4.  What are the types of Computer ?

   Computer classified by their Speed and computing power. There are 5 types of Computer  -->

1.    PC or Personal Computer :  it’s a single user Computer. This System having moderately powerful micro-processor.

                                                  Image Source Google
2.    Work Station :  It also Single user Computer. This System has more Powerful microprocessor

3.    Mini Computer : It is a multi User Computer. Capable of supporting hundreds of user simultaneously.

                                              Image Source Google

4.    Main Frame Computer :  It is Also multi-user Computer and Capable of supporting hundreds of users simultaneously.also known as “Big Iron” .  Software technology is different from Mini Computer.

5.    Super Computer : It is an Extremely Fastest Computer. Which can performed hundreds of millions of instructions per second.

            5.  How does a Computer Work explain ?

First      -->  Computer receives data through an Input Device Or Input Unit like- Keyboard, Mouse.

Second --> based on the instructions it is given and after it Processes the data and store on Processing Device Like- CPU

Third    --> after Processing It send through an Output Device and Display it. Like- Desktop, Printer.

1.      What is Hardware ?

In Computer which parts we can touch and realize it that is called Hardware.
The Physical Component of a Computer is Called Hardware.
Example – Keyboard, Mouse, CPU, Printer etc.

2.      What is Software ?

In Computer which parts we can not touch and realize that is called Software.
Also says that Software is a complete set of programs which performs all the primary  function of the Computer.
Example - Applications, Windows, Operating System.

3.      What is Input Device ?

When we can enter any Data or information in to the Computer by the help of which Device that is called Input Device.
Example- Keyboard , Mouse , Light Pen, Scaner etc.

4.      What is Out-put Device ?

When Computer Display the result by the help of which Device that is called Out-put Device.
Example – Monitor , Desktop, Printer, Speaker, Plotter etc.

5.      What is CPU ?
CPU stands for Central Processing Unit. It is a main part of Computer where information are proceed and which links and  Controls the other parts of a Computer system that is called CPU.

6.      What is ALU ?

ALU stands for Arithmetic and Logical Unit. It is the parts of CPU. Where Arithmetic and logical operations are performed.

7.      What is CU ?

CU stands for Control Unit. It is also the parts of CPU which direct its Operations.

8.      What is Memory

Where we can store any types of data or information in to the computer that is called Memory.

9.      What is RAM ?

RAM Stands for Random Access Memory. It is made of mettle oxide  semi conducter material all the operations are perform where. RAM is also non as Volatile Memory because when the Power goes of then everything will be deleted.

10.  What is ROM ?

ROM stands for Read Only Memory. It is a memory device or storage device that  stores information permanently .ROM also non-Volatile.


1.    Speed- it can perform huge amount of work in a few seconds. Computer speeds are measured in Micro-seconds, Nanoseconds and even in Pico Seconds.

2.    Versatility – A Computer is Capable of performing almost every task.

3.    Accuracy – The Computer is 100% accurate and capable to perform arithmetical calculation and logical operations with the same accuracy.

4.    Diligence – A Computer is free from tiredness and lack of concentration.


1.     Decision – Like a human being a Computer cannot take any decision by itself as it does not have thinking Power.

2.     Validation – A Computer by itself cannot validate whether data is correctly entered or not.

3.     Maintenance – It is an electronic device so regular maintenance is required, otherwise it will not work properly.

·      Components of Computer

A Computer System comprises Hardware and Software. Hardware is the physical medium and Software consists of Computer programs.


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