
Full Details about Mail

Full Details about Mail

Full Details about Mail

Electronic Mail
Google Mail
Carbon Copy
Blind Carbon Copy

o   What is email ?
E-mail or Electonic mail is information stored on a computer that is exchanged between two users over telecommunications.
The first e-mail or electronic mail was sent by Ray Tomlinson in 1971. However , desoite sending the email to himself, the email message was still transmitted through ARPANET

o   What does CC mean ?
CC stands for “Carbon Copy”. Back in the days before the internet and emial, in order to create a copy of the letter you were writing , you had to place blue Carbon paper between the paper you were writing on and the paper that was going to be your copy (duplicate copy).
Just as the physical Cerbon copy above , CC is an easy way of sending copies of an email to other people.
If you have ever received a Cced email, you’ve probably noticed tha it will be addressed to you and a list of other people who have also been Cced.

o   What does BCC mean ?
BCC stands for Blind Carbon Copy. Just like CC and BCC is a path/way of sending copies of an email to other people. The difference between CC and BCC is that, while you can see who else has received the email when CC is used, that is not the case with BCC. It is called Blind Carbon Copy because the other recipients won’t be able to see that someone else has been sent copy of the email.

o   When should you use CC ?
The use of CC is a bit of a debate, as it functions the same as adding multiple recepients in the “To” field.what’s so special about CC?
Using Cc or Carbon Copy is more a matter of etiquette than anything. The general rule is the “To” field is reserved for the main recipients of your email. You then CC or Carbon Copy other interested parties so they can have their own copy of the e-mail or g-mail.
Ccing other parties also makes it clear to all involved that the electronic mail (e-mail) has been seen by everyone.

o   When should you use BCC ?

BCC has more solid uses. Here are the most common two:
I.                   When you don’t want the primary recipient to know -->
A very good example could be when you are having problems with an employee.When sending them an email, you can BCC your supervisor or HR in the email so that they get a copy of your correspondence. In this case, They wll receive it, but your fellow employee will not see that other parties have been included in the correspondence.
II.                 When sendind to a large list -->
When you are sending an email to your mailing list, for example, you put their address in the BCC field. The email will look as if it has been specifically sent to them since there will be no long list of recipients.
This path of sending electronic mails to a large group of people is also safer, as you don’t expose your subscribers’ electronic mail addresses to others.

o   What is the difference between CC and BCC ?
Cc which means that whose address appears after the Carbon Copy or CC: header would receive a copy of the message. Also, the CC header would also apear inside the header of the received message.
BCC stands for Blind Carbon Copy which is similar to that of Carbon Copy or CC except that the E-mail address  of the recipients specified in this field do not appear in the received message header and the recipients in the To or Cc fields will not know that a copy sent these address.

Using  BCC Or Blind Carbon Copy field to send an email message to a large group of people has a number of benefits, including :-

     ·   Using BCC , The privacy of Electronic mail addresses is protected in the original message. Recipients will receive the important message, but won’t be able to see the addresses listed in the “BCC Or Blind Carbon Copy” field.

     ·  When an Electronic mail is forwarded, the addresses of everyone in the “To” and “CC Or Carbon Copy” fields are also forwarded along with the message. Addresses, which have been placed in the “BCC Or Blind Carbon Copy” field are not forwarded.

     ·  If you have placed a large recipients in the “To” and “CC Or Carbon Copy” field, all of them will receive the reply.By placing recipients in the “BCC Or Blind Carbon Copy” field in your mail then , you can also very help against receiving unappropriate replies from anyone using  ‘reply all option’  and protect them.

     ·   Many viruses and spam programs are now able to sift through mail files and address books for Electronic mail addresses. and also benefit Using the ‘BCC Or Blind Carbon Copy’ field acts as an anti-spam precaution.it reduces the likelihood that recipients will receive a spam message or a virus from another recipient’s infected computer or Devices
o  Advantage of using E-mail
Advantage :
      1.     E-mails are delivered extremely fast when compared to traditional post.

      2.     E-mails can be sent 24 hours a day, 365 days a yeas.

      3.     Webmail means emails can be sent and received from any computer, android phone anywhere in the worls, that has an Internet Connection.

     4.     Cheap – When we using Broadband Internet Connection , each email sent effectively free.Dail-up users are charged at local call rates but it only takes a few seconds (for conventional electronic mail, text only) to send an email.

     5.     Emails can be sent to one person or several person.

Disadvantage :
     1.     The recipient needs access to the internet Connectio for receive email.

     2.     Viruses- are easily spread via email attachments ( most email provides scan emails for visuses on your behalf).

     3.     Phishing- when sending an electronic mail to a user falsely claiming to be a legtimate company to scam the user into providing information.such as personal information and bank account numbers on a bogus Website. The details will then be used for identity-theft.

    4.     No guarentee the mail will be read until the user logs on and checks their email.

    5.     Spam – Unsolicated email, i.e junk mail.

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