
HTML codes for websites design (Part 1)


HTML Codes for Websites Design (Part-1)

HTML Version

HTML   ------- 1991
HTML+   --------- 1993
HTML2.0  ------------ 1995
HTML3.2     -------------- 1997
HTML4.0 / XHTML1.0--- 1999
XHTML 1.0 ---------------------2000
HTML 5 ---------------------------- 2012
XHTML 5 ----------------------------- COMING

What is HTML ?

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. This is for Creating Web Pages and describe web pages structure.

Inventor - Tim Berners Lee (1989)

HTML Editor - 

2. Notepad++

start ---> all programs --> accessories ---> notepad
and save all tags in .html extensions and select all files or HTML.

HTML Tags and Description

1. <!DOCTYPE>    ---- Define The Document Type

2. <HTML>            ---- Define HTML Document

3. <HEAD>            ----- Information about the Documents

4. <TITLE>            ----- a Title for the Document

5. <BODY>            ----- Define The Document's Body

6. </BR>                 ----- Line Break  [ </br> is a End Tag ]

7. <H1>                  ----- Heading Tag. Heading Tag 6 Types , <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, <H5>, <H6>

                                    <H1> - Major Heading
                                    <H2> - Heading
                                    <H3> - Sub-Heading
                                    <H4> - Monor Heading
                                    <H5> - Paragraph
                                    <H6> - Normal

8.. <HR>       ---- Horizontal line Or Straight Line


9. <B>         ---- Bold

10. <U>         ---- Underline

11. <I>           ---- Italic

12. <Width="500px"> ---- For Width   [ Example- <hr width="500px">]

13. <align="left"> ----- For Align Change   [ Example - <hr align="left">]

14. <align="right"> ----- Right Alignment   [ Example - <hr align="right">]

15. <color="green"> ---- for colour change  [ Example - <hr color="green">] * use color code

*This Is First part. for more tags go to Menubar ---> Select Computer ---> HTML codes for Websites design part 2.


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