
30 Scientists with their Inventors


30 Scientists with their Inventors

1.Benjamin Franklin

Inventions – 1.Famous for Kite Experiment.

                      2. Wi-Fi. It was invented in 1780.


                                  2.Michael Faraday

Inventions – Faradays Law of Induction.It was invented in 1831.


                                  3. Watson and Crick

Inventions – DNA Structure.invented in 1901.


4. Karl Landsteiner

Inventions – Blood Group.


                                  5. Evangelista Torricelli

Inventions – Barometer. It was invented in 1644


6. Alessandro Volta

Inventions – Power Battery. Invented in 1800


                                  7. Z Janssen

Inventions – Microscope. Invented in 1590


                                  8. Rudolf Diesel

Inventions – Diesel Engine. It was Invented in 1895


                                  9. Hippolyte Pixii

Inventions – Dynamo. It was invented in 1832.


                                  10. Zenobe Gramme

Inventions – DC Motor. Invented in 1873.


                                  11. Nikola tesla

Inventions – AC Motor. It was invented in 1888.


                                  12. William Sturgeon

Inventions – Electro-Magnet. It was invented 1824.


                                  13. Horace Short

Inventions – Loud-Speaker. It was invented in 1900.


                                  14. Nicholas and Louis Lumiere

Inventions – Cinema. It was invented in 1895.


                                  15. Taylor Farnsworth

Inventions – Television. Invented in 1927.


                                  16. John Bardeen, William Shockley and Walter Burton

Inventions – Transistors. Invented in 1948.


                                  17. David Bushnell

Inventions – Submarine. It was invented in 1776.


                                  18. Alaxander

Inventions – Plastic. Invented in 1862.


                                  19. Heinrich Hertz

Inventions – Radar. Invented in 1865


                                  20. Frank Whittle

Inventions – Jet Engine. Invented in 1937.

                                  21. Ted Hoff

Inventions – Micro-Processor. Invented in 1971.


                                  22. James Puckle

Inventions – Machine Gun. Invented in 1718.


                                  23.William Gascoigne

Inventions – Micro-meter. Invented in 1636.


                                  24.  Alexander Graham Bell

Inventions – Telephone. It was invented in 1876.


                                  25. Thomas Alva Edison

Inventions – Bulb. It was invented in 1879.


                                  26.  Blaise Pascal

Inventions – Calculator. Invented in 1642.


                                  27. Alfred Nobel

Inventions – Dynamite.It was invented in 1862.


                                  28. Gugliemo Marconi

Inventions – Radio. Invented in 1901


                                  29. Willis Carrier

Inventions – Air Conditioner (AC). It was invented in 1902.


                                  30. Kirkpatrick Macmillan

Inventions – Bicycle. It was invented in 1839.





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