
Top - 5 : Most expensive mobile in the world

Most expensive mobile in the world

                 1.   FALCON SUPERNOVA IPHONE 6 PINK DIAMOND -                                    USD 48.5 MILLION (World- Costly mobile)
      The most expensive mobile phone is the world had costed its owner as much as 48.5 million dollars (costly mobile). The device is made up of 24-carat gold and is studded with a huge Pink Diamond on the back and this mobile also very unique…..
Most expensive mobile in the world

It’s also coated in platinum and features hack prevention technology to keethe owner`s information safe from unwanted prying eyes.

 The Pink Diamond Falcon Supernova is the prized position of Asia`s richest man’s wife, and Indian cricket team owner, Nita Ambani.
                     2.    STUART HUGHES IPHONE 4S ELITE GOLD –                                             USD 9.4 MILLION(2nd King)

The Second most expensive phone is an iPhone $S. This mobile Designed by Stuart Hughes. The bezel of the phone is handmade and encrusted with 500 stunning diamonds of a total of ….more than 100 carats OMG.

Most expensive mobile in the world

                                                 The handmade phone is coated with five-     hundred, one-hundred-carat diamonds and its rear panel and logo are made      from twenty-four carat gold(2nd King)

                        3.    STUART HUGHES IPHONE 4 DIAMOND ROSE –                                                 USD 8 MILLION(3nd king)

 The third most expensive phone is an iPhone 4 that is designed by Stuart   Hughes…The phone is made up of solid rose gold and features 500      diamonds that add up to 100 carats, its logo is decorated with 53   diamonds(World 3nd king)
Most expensive mobile in the world

            If you’re into your packaging, then you’ll be pleased to know that $8 million dollars will also get you a solid granite presentation box, like the Gold striker Supreme and Kings Button.

                         4.    GOLDSTRICKER IPHONE 3GS SUPREME –                                              USD 3.2 MILLION(4 king)

The iPhone 3GS is also designed by Stuart Hughes and is made of 271 grams of 22-carat gold. The front bezels host 1136 diamonds,

Most expensive mobile in the world

 If the phone doesn’t do it for you on its own, then its packaging and the way its’s presented, might!
When you purchase a Gold striker iPhone 3GS supreme, you’ll be given a solid granite box; made from one single piece of granite, embellished with top- grain leather and Kashmir gold.

                                5.    IPHONE 3G KINGS BUTTON –                                                                      USD 2.5 MILLION(5 king)

The fifth most expensive phone in the world is the iPhone 3G Kings Button, coming in at a whopping $2.5 million.

Most expensive mobile in the world

 The phone was designed by Austrian designer, Peter Alisson, and is made up of, 18 karat yellow, white and rose gold.
The white gold strip that the phone features is decorated with 138 beautifully cut diamonds and its home button has a big 6.6 carat diamond


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