
Indian History

Indian History
Indian History

    Indian History Short Notes

         1.     First Governor General of India --------

 Lord William Bentinck

        2.     First Governor General of Bengal was -----

 Warren Hastings

        3.     Who was the last Governor General of Indian under East India Company rule ?

 Lord Canning.

       4.     In Bengal , the head quarters of East India Company were located at –

 Fort William.

      5.     in which year the Indian National Congress was established ?


      6.     Who is known as the founder of Indian National Congress ?

 Allan Octavian Hume.

      7.     Who was the first president of Indian National Congress ?

 Womesh Chandra Bannerjee.

      8.     Who was the first woman president of Indian National Congress ?

 Annie Besant.

      9. Who was the English Ambassador who get permission from Jahangir to build factory for East India Company ?

 Thomas Roe.

     10.  Which Viceroy of India take the decision partition of Bengal ?

 Lord Curzon

     11. Which Governor General of India founded the Postal Service in India ?

 Lord Dalhousie

     12.  Famous Moroccan traveler iban Battuta visited India during the region of –


     13.  Chinese traveler Huan tsang visited india during the region of ---

 Harsha Vardhan.

    14. The National song of India “Vande Mataram” was first published in which novel in 1882 ?

 Anandamath. (written by Bankim Chandra Chattyapadhaya ).

     15. Vande Matram was first sung at the session of the Indian National Congress in –


     16. Who is known as the Napoleon of India ?


     17.  Who use of Zero (0) and Decimal system was introduced during the period of which dynasty ?

Gupta Dynasty.

     18. Who is the founder of Hindu college in Calcutta which is presently known as Presidency University ?

 Raja Ram Mohan Roy.

     19. Who was the rular of Delhi when Babur attacked India ?

 Ibrahim Lodi.

     20.  Where is in written “Gayatri Mantra”?


     21.  “Din-e-ilahi” religion was founder by –


     22. The other name of Chanakya is –

 Vishnu Gupta

     23. Who is the author of the book ‘Rama Charitarmanas’ ?


     24. Who had written the book ‘ Geet Govind’ ?


    25. Who is the writer of the book ‘Ratnavali’ ?

 Harsha Vardhan.

     26. Who is the writer of the book ‘Panchatantra’ ?

 Vishnu Sharma.

     27. Who was the first secretary of state for India ?

 Edward Stanley.

     28.  When was Goa  captured by Portuguese ?

1510 AD

     29.Where did British first open their factories in Eastern part of India –


      30. The publication of the Newspaper ‘Bengal Gazette’ from Kolkata was Started in the year ?


      31.  What is the first English Newspaper in India ?

The Bengal Gazette

      32.  Who first translate Bhagvad Gita to English ?

Charles Wilkins

      33.  Who was the viceroy of India when the Rowlatt Act was passed ?
 Lord  Chemsford.

      34. Who is introduce English as official language ?

 Sir Charles Wood.

      35. Who was the founder of the Indian Association ?

  Surendranath Banerjee.

      36. Who is the First Indian to used the word ‘Swarajya”?

 Bal Gangadhar Tilak.

      37.  Who was established All Indian Harijan Sangha  ?

 Mahatma Gandhi , in the year of 1932.

      38.  In which place did Satyagraha first started ?

 Mahatma Gandhi in Champaran did Satyagraha.

      39.  Who was the first to address Mahatma Gandhi as the “Father of Nation” ?

 Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose

      40.  Dandi March was began on the dat of ?

 12 th march , 1930

      41. Which farm established by Mahatma Gandhi in Natal, South Africa ?

 Phoenix Farm

      42.  Who is consider as the chief architect of ‘Tajmahal’ ?

 Ahmad Lahauri

      43.  Number of years required to build Tajmahal ?

 22 Years

      44. Mangal Pandey was Sepoy at –------

  34th Bengal Native Infantry.

      45.  Which one is the first fort contructed by British in India ?

Fort St. George.

      46.  The Second battle of Panipath, 1556 fought between –-----

 Akbar and Hemu. (1556).

      47.  Who wrote the biography of Akbar “Akbarnama” ?

 Abul Fazal.

      48.  Who wrote the book Ain-i-Akbari or the ‘Constitution of Akbar’?

 Abul Fazal.

      49. Qutub Minar construction was started by Qutub-uddin Aibak in 1192. Who had completed the construction of Qutub Minar ?


      50.  What is the real name of Birbal ?

 Maheshdas Brahmbhatt.

      51.   Who was the founder of Madras ?

 Francis Day

      52. The city of Agra was founded in 1504 by –

 Sikandar Lodi

      53.  Who had renamed the famous diamond ‘Syamantaka-mani’ as ‘Kuh-e-nur’ ?

 Nadir Shah.

      54.  Who had founded Hindu reform movement ‘Arya Samaj’ in 1875 ?

 Dayanand  saraswati

      55. During which Governor rule, the Indian Civil Service was introduced ---–

 Lord Cornwallis.

      56.  When the declaration of ‘Purna Swaraj’ made by the Indian National Congress ?


      57. Delhi’s  only lady ruler Razia Sultana belongs to which dynasty ?

 Slave Dynasty.

      58.  Who was the founder of Lodi Dynasty in India ?

 Bahlol Lodi.

      59. Who was the founder of Slave Dynasty in Delhi ?

 Qutub-ud-din Aibak.

      60.  Who was the founder of Vijayanagar Empire ?

 Harihara I

      61.  Which king assumed the title Shiladitya ?

 Harsha Vardhan.

      62. Famous poet Banabhatta was a member in the court of the king ?

 Harsha Vardhan.

      63. The poem “Meghduta” was written by -----


      64.  Kanishka was a Emperor of the which Dynasty ?


      65.  Who was the first muslim invader in India ?


      66. First Indian ruler to use rocket artillery in war was ?

 Hyder Ali

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