



    1.     Mother is aged three times more than her son Amit. After 8 years, she would be two and a half times of Amit’s age. After 8 years, how many times would she be of Amit’s age ?
a)     2½ times
b)    2 times
c)       times
d)    3 times
e)    None of these.
     2.     A mother said to her daughter, “I was as old as you are at the present at the time of your birth.” If the mother’s age is 38 years now, the daughter’s age 5 years back was ?
a)     15 years
b)    19 years
c)     14 years
d)    33 years
e)    None of these.
     3.     In 10 years, Ajit will be twice as old as Asit was 10 years ago. If Ajit is now 9 years older than Asit, the present age of Y is ?
a)     39
b)    29
c)     49
d)    28
e)    None of these. 
     4.     The total age of Anil and Binay is 12 years more than the total age of Binay and Suraj.Suraj is how many years younger than Anil ?
a)     11
b)    12
c)     13
d)    14
e)    None of these.
     5.     The sum of the present ages of a Father and his daughter is 60 years. 5 years ago, Father’s age was four times the age of the daughter. So now the daughter’s age will be ?
a)     5 Years
b)    10 Years
c)     15 Years
d)    25 Years
e)    None of these
     6.     The Ratio of the present ages of A and B is 3 : 4 ;  5 Years ago, the ratio of their ages was 5 : 7. Find their present age ?
a)     30 and 40
b)    25 and 35
c)     20 and 30
d)    50 and 60
e)    None of these.
     7.     4 years ago the father’s age was three times the age of his daughter. The total of the ages of the father and daughter after 4 years will be 64 year. What is the father’s age at present time ?
a)     32 years
b)    40 years
c)     54 years
d)    Data missing
e)    None of these
     8.     Age of Father 10 years ago was 3 times the age of his son. After 10 years, Father’s age will be twice that of his son.Find the ratio of their present time age ?
a)     10 : 8
b)    9 : 5
c)     8 : 2
d)    7 : 2
e)    7 : 3
f)      None of these.
     9.     Soham’s father is 5 times older than soham and Soham is twice as old as his brother Rohan. In 2 years time, the sum of their ages will be 58. How old is Soham Now ? a
a)     8 years old
b)    9 years old
c)     7 years old
d)    10 years old
e)    None of these.
     10.   Mother is 4 times the age of her son. If after 5 years, he would be 3 times of son’s age, then further after 5 years, how many times he would be of his son’s age ?
a)     2 times
b)    2.5 times
c)     3 times
d)    3.5 times
e)    4 times
     11.  What is sumana’s present age , if after 20 years her age will be 10 times her age 10 years back ?
a)     6.3 years
b)    7.5 years
c)     13.3 years
d)    13.5 years
e)    13 years
      12. One year ago, the ratio of Ajit and Bijay age was 2 : 3 respectively, After 5 years from now, this ratio becomes 4 : 5, How old is Ajit and Bijay  now ?
a)     7 years and 11 years
b)    7 years and 10 years
c)     6 years and 10 years
d)    8 years and 10 years
e)    7 years and 10.5 years
      13.  Prince is 50 years old  and Shahin is 40 years old. How long ago was the ratio of Prince and Shahin ages 3 : 2 ?
a)     20 years
b)    25 years
c)     30 years
d)    35 years
e)    40 years
      14. The Ratio of the present ages of Suraj and Shahin is 4 : 5. Five years ago , the ratio of Suraj and Shahin's ages was 7 : 9. Find their present ages in years ?
a)     40 and 50
b)    40 and 55
c)     39 and 50
d)    40 and 60
e)    20 and 25
     15. The age of a woman is 24 years more than her son. In 2 years, the father’s age will be twice that of her son. Then the present age of her son is ?
a)     20 years
b)    21 years
c)     22 years
d)    23 years
e)    24 years
     16.  After 15 years Suresh’s age will be 5 times his age 5 years ago. What is the present age of Suresh ?
a)     5 years
b)    10 years
c)     15 years
d)    20 years
e)    25 years
     17.  At present, the ratio between the ages of Ramesh and Suresh is 4 : 3 . After 6 years, Ramesh’s age will be 26 years. What is the age of Suresh Present now ?
a)     20
b)    25
c)     18
d)    15
e)    None of these.
     18. One year ago, Ramen and soumen age’s was 5 : 6 respectively. After four years, this ratio becomes 6 : 7 . How old is Soumen ?
a)     20 years
b)    25 years
c)     30 years
d)    31 years
e)    32 years
     19. The ratio of Sagar’s age 4 years ago and Rick’s age after 4 years is  1 : 1. If at present, the ratio of their ages is  5 : 3, then find the ration between Sagar’s age 4 years hence and Rick’s age 4 year ago ?
a)     3 : 1
b)    1 : 3
c)     3 : 2
d)    2 : 3
e)    3 : 3
     20.  Father is 3 times more aged than his son Rahul. If after 5 years, he would be 3 times of his son Rahul’s age, Then further after 5 years, how many times he would be of his son Rahul’s age ?
a)     1½ times
b)    2 times
c)       times
d)    3 times
e)      times

Answer Key
      1.     (b)
2.      (c)
3.     (a)
4.     (b)
      5.     (c)
6.      (a)
7.     (e)
8.     (d)
      9.     (a)
10.    (b)
11.  (c)
12. (b)
     13.    (a)
14.    (a)
15.  (c)
16.  (b)
     17.    (d)
18.    (d)
19.  (a)
20.  (c)

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