
Top-25 : General Awareness

Top-25 : General Awareness

           1.     Where did Chandra Gupta Maurya spend his last days ?

(a)  Thaneshwar

(b) Kanchi

(c)  Shravanabelagola

(d) Pataliputra


           2.     Who built the ‘Purana Quila’ ?

(a)  Babur

(b) Shershah

(c)  Akbar

(d) Auranfzeb


           3.     Whose Army did Alexander, the Greek ruler confront on the banks of the river Jhelum ?

(a)  Ambi

(b)  Porus

(c)  Chandragupta Maurya

(d) Dhanananda


           4.     Who is the first Woman IPS officer in India ?

(a)  Sarojini Naidu

(b) Bachendri Pal

(c)  Kiran Bedi

(d) Indira Gandhi


           5.     Who is the author of ‘Indica’?

(a)  Hiuen Tsang

(b) Seleucus

(c)  Megasthenis

(d) Fa-Hien


           6.     The largest producer of Lignite in India is ----

(a)  Gujarat

(b) Kerala

(c)  Rajasthan

(d) Tamil Nadu


           7.     The most suitable soil for the production of Cotton is -----

(a)  Alluvial Soil

(b) Black Lava Soil

(c)  Loamy Soil

(d) Well drained Soil


            8.     The area Reserved for the welfare of wildlife is called ----

(a)  National Park

(b) Botanical Garden

(c)  Sanctuary

(d) Forest


           9.     Chromosome designation of Turner syndrome is -----

(a)  44A + XXX

(b) 44A + XYY

(c)  44A + XO

(d) 44A + XXY


          10.   Project Tiger Programme was launched in -----

(a)  1971

(b) 1994

(c)  1975

(d) 1973


           11.   Kanha National Park is Located in -----

(a)  Tamil Nadu

(b) Andhra Pradesh

(c)  Madhya Pradesh

(d) Bihar


           12.  Which of the following is a form of sexual reproduction ?

(a)  Budding

(b) Fission

(c)  Fragmentation

(d) Hermaphroditism


          13.  The 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act is related to ---

(a)  Finance Commission

(b) RBI

(c)  Foreign Exchange

(d) Panchayat Raj


          14. Perfectly inelastic demand is equal to ----

(a)  Zero

(b) One

(c)  Infinite

(d) Greater than One


          15. The Lender of the Last Resort is -------

(a)  RBI

(b) IDBI

(c)  SBI



           16.  Which of the followings the right expansion of ILO ?

(a)  International Law and Order

(b) International Labour and Organisation

(c)  International Legal Orientation

(d) Inter-State Lawful Ordinance


            17.  Sex Ration is calculated as ----

(a)  Number of female per 1,000 males in a country

(b) Number of males per 1,000 female in a country

(c)  Number of children per 1,000 people in a country

(d) Number of people per 1,000 children in a country


            18.  Who was the first secretary General of  U.N.O ?

(a)  Trygve Lie

(b) Dag Hammarskjold

(c)  U Thant

(d) Kurt Waldheim


            19.  Among the following which country has the highest life expectancy ?

(a)  Japan

(b) U.S.A

(c)  Denmark

(d) Switzerland


            20.  When was the RTI Act enacted in India ?

(a)  15th March, 2005

(b) 15th June, 2005

(c)  15th July, 2005

(d) 15th August, 2005


             21.   Who was the first Speaker of the Lok Sabha ?

(a)  Hukum Singh

(b) Ganesh Vasudev Mavlankar

(c)  Neelam Sanjiva Reddy

(d) K.S Hegde


             22.  Impeachment proceeding against the President for violation of the Constitution can be initiated in -----

(a)  The Lok Sabha

(b) The Rajya Sabha

(c)  Either House of Parliament

(d) The Supreme Court


             23.  Yellow Complexion, medium stature, oblique eye with an epicanthic fold is the characteristic feature of a/an ----

(a)  Negroid

(b) Australoid

(c)  Caucasoid

(d) Mongoloid


            24. Which one of the following tribes practices pastoral namadism ?

(a)  Eskimo

(b) Boro

(c)  Pygmies

(d) Masai


              25.  Distant object are visible as a little out of focus in this condition ----

(a)  Myopia

(b) Hypermetropia

(c)  Astigmatism

(d) Presbyopia

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