
Top 50 One Word Substitution



Top 50 One Word Substitution

1. Place where animals are killed for food   ---->  Abattoir

2. Ritual washing of the body                        ---->  Ablution

3. Hard to understand                                     ---->  Abstruse

4. A quantity that is more than enough        ---->  Abundance

5. Give more force or important to                ---->  Accentuate

6. Helper in a wrong deed or crime                ---->  Accomplice

7. Word formed from initial letters of a  name---->  Acronym

8. Thing to be added at the end of a book, etc. ---->  Addendum

9. Commencement of adjacent words with the same letter ----> Aliteration

10. A public notice offering or asking for goods, services, ets ----> Advertisement

11. A designated section of seats in any part of a teater ---->  Amphitheater

12. The loss of ability to feel pain while still conscious  ---->  Analgesia

13. The absence of government in a country                  ---->  Anarchy

14. The cessation of warfare before a treaty is signed   ----> Armistice

15. One who practices self denial as a spriritual discipline ----> Ascetic

16. A tank where fish or water plants are kept                      ----> Aquarium

17. Science of the influence of the stars on human affairs ----> Astrology

18. A government by officials                                                ----> Bureaucracy

19. One who loves books                                                        -----> Bibliophile

20. A group of girls                                                                    ----> Bevy

21.One who gives financial help to a school, hospital, etc ---> Benefactor

22. One who loves and collects books                                   ----> Bibliophile

23. That which happens once in two years.                         ----> Biennial

24. The custom of having two wives or two husbands.   ----> Bigamy

25. One who is filled with narrow and prejudiced opinion ----> Bigot

26. One who can speak two languages                                 ----> Bilingual

27. The life history of a man written by someone else        ----> Biography

28. Animal with two feet                                                           ----> Biped

29. Speaking irreverently about God or sacred things    ----> Blaspheme

30. Perfect happiness                                                                 ----> Bliss

31. One who does not follow the usual norms of  social life ----> Bohemian

32. One who is interested in reading books and nothing else ----> Bibliophilic

33. Person who is rough and ill mannered        ----> Boorish

34. The science of vegetable life                          ----> Botany

35. A thing which can be easily broken              ----> Brittle

36. A series of cabre dance / acts at night club  ----> Cabaret

37. The driver of a taxi cab     ----> Cabby Or Cabdriver

38. Harsh sound                       ----> Cacophony

39. Persuade by flattery           ----> Cajole

40. Art of beautiful hand writing     ----> Calligraphy

41. The men who can eat human flesh  ----> Cannibal

42. Overturn in water                                            ----> Capsize

43. Killing of large numbers of people                  ----> Carnage

44.To have a very high opinion about oneself       ---->  Conceited

45. Place of burial (especially not in churchyard) ----> Cemetery

46. A person who is above hundred years       ----> Centenarian

47. A citizen of the world                                   ----> Cosmopolite

48. A flesh eating animal                                    ----> Carnivorous

49 A list of Book                                                  -----> Catalogue

50. A man devoid of kind feeling and sympathy----> Callous



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