
225 Synonyms


225 Important Synonyms

A word or Phrase that has the Same or nearly the same meaning as another word or Phrase.



1. Ask -------------- Enquire

2. Allow -------------- Permit

3. Amount ---------- Quantity

4. Answer ----- Response/ Reply

5. Away ------------ Absent

6. Agree -------------- Consent

7. Angry --------------- Mad/Furious

8. Abroad ------------- Overseas

9. Accomplish ---- Achieve

10. Admit ----------- Confess

11. Alike ------------ Same

12. Assist ---------- Help

13. Attire ------------ Dress

14. Awful ------------ Terrible



15. Begin -------------- Start

16. Bad ------------------- Evil / Wicked

17. Bright --------------- Gleaming / Smart

18. Break -------------- Smash/  Fracture

19. Brave ------------ Bold/ Courageous

20. Busy ---------------- Active

20. Baby --------- Infant

21. Beg --------------- Implore/plead

22. Belly ----------- Stomach

23. Blank ---------- Empty

24. Broad ----------Wide

25. Big ------------------ Large

26. Buy ----------------- Purchase

27. Blend ------------------ Mix

28. Beautiful ---------- Pretty



29. Center -------------- Middle

30. Come --------------- Approach

31. Change -------------- Transform

32.  Cool ------------ Cold / Chilly

 33. Calm ------------ Quiet/ Composed

34.  Child --------------- Kid

35. Cry -------- Sob / Bawl

36. Cut ----------- Slash / slice

37. Choose ----------- Select

38. Complete --------- Finish

39. Coarse ----------------- Rough

40. Close ------------------- Shut

41. Candy ----------------- Sweets

42. Choosy -------------- Picky

43. Confine -------------- Restrict

44. Confuse ----------------- Mix-up

45. Considerate ------------- Thoughtful



46. Delicious ----------- Yummy / Tasty / Enjoyable

47. Day break -------------- Dawn

48. Dash ------------------- Sprint/ Run

49. Dedicated------------------- Committed

50. Dark ---------------------------- Unit / Gloomy

51. Dangerious ---------------------- Unsafe / Hazardous

52. Definate --------------------------- Certain / Sure

53. Deliberate -------------------------- Planned

54. Decide ------------------ Choose

55. Describe-----------------Portray / Narrate

56. Do ------------------------ Carry out

57. Depart -------------- Leave

58. Difficult -------------- Hard

59. Destroy -----------------  Ruin/ Demolish

60. Discount --------------Reduction



61. Easy ------------------- Simple

62. Eager ---------------- Keen / Interested

63. Enjoy ---------------- Appreciate / Like

64. End ----------------- Finish

65. Explain ------------- Clarify / Elaborate

66. Elevate ----------------- Raise

67. Embarrassed  ---------- Shy

68. Enormous ------------ Huge

69. Excellent --------------- Good

70. Enormous -------------- Huge

71. Evil ------------------------ Bad

72. Exactly ------------------- Precisely

73. Evaluate ------------------ Assess

74. Enquire ------------- Investigate

75. Extra ---------------- Additional

76. Except ----------------- Apart from


77. fair ---------------------- Just / Unbiased

78. Fall --------------------- Drop / Descend

79. False ------------------- Untrue

80. Famous ---------------- Well-known

81. Fast ------------------- Quick

82. Fool ------------------- Idiot

83.  Fun------------------ Enjoyment

84. Fantastic -------------- Great

85. Fortunate ------------ Lucky

86. Function ---------------- Operate



87. Garbage ---------------- Trash

88. Go ---------------------- Depart / Move

89. Get-------------------------- Acquire / Obtain

90. Good ----------------------- Excellent / Wonderful

91. Gross ----------------------- Indecent

92.  Gather ---------------- Collect

93. Glad ---------------------- Happy



94. Help -------------- Assist

95. Happy ------------- Pleased / Satisfied

96. Hate ------------------- Despite / Dislike

97. Have --------------------- Process / Acquire

98. Hide -------------------- Conceal / Cover

99. Hurry -------------------- Run / Rush

100. Hurt ------------------- Injure / Damage

101. Handsome -------------------- Good Looking

102. Hard -------------------------- Difficult


103. Interesting ---------- Exciting

104. Important -------------- Significant / Vital

105. Idea ----------------------  Thought/ Concept

106. Ignore -------------------- Disregard

107. ill ---------------------------- Sick / Unwell

108. Immediate --------------- Instantly

109. Imitate -------------------- Mimic

110. Impact ----------------------- affect

111. Informal -------------------- casual

112. Innocent ------------------- Harmless

113. Instruction ---------------- Direction

114. Insufficient ----------------Inadequate

115. Inspect -------------------- Examine

116. Intelligent ---------------- Smart

117. Intellectual ------------------ Mental

118. Intend --------------------------- Mean


119. Jealous-------------------------------- Envious

120. Job ---------------------------- Work


121. Kind ------------------- Helpful

122. Keep ------------- Hold / Retain

123. Kill ---------------------- Execute / Murder


124. Laugh ----------------- Giggle

125. Learn ------------------ Acquire knowledge

126. Listen ------------------- Hear

127. Little ----------------------- Small

128. Lots ------------------------------- Many / Numerous

129. Loyal ------------------------------ Faithful

130. Lazy --------------------------------- Inactive

131. Look ------------------------------- See

132. Love ------------------------------------ Like / Admire

133. Lucid--------------------------------------- Clear / Understandable


134. Mistake ------------ Error

135. Maintain ------------ Preserve

136. Make ---------------- Create / Build

137. Maybe -------------- Perhaps

138. Misery ------------------- Distress

139. Modern ---------------- Contemporary

140. Moody ---------------- Temperamental


141. Neat ----------------Tiny

142. Necessary --------------------- Essential

143. Native -------------------------- Local

144. New --------------------- Recent / Current

145. Near ----------------------- Close

146. Noon ---------------------- Midday

147. Notify ---------------------- Inform

148. Nice ---------------------- Pleasant


149. Occur ---------------- Happen

150. Old ------------------- Ancient

151. Opportunity --------  Chance

152. Odd ----------------------- Strange

153. Overlook ----------------- Miss / Fail to notice

154. Oversee -------------------- Supervise

155. Optimist --------------------- Positive / Hopeful



156. Page ---------------- Sheet

157. Pretty --------------- Beautiful

158. Peaceful ------------ Quiet

159. Present ---------------- Gift

160. Part ------------------------- Section / Portion

161. Place ----------------------- Area / Space

162. Popular ------------------ Well-liked

163. Plan ----------------------- Idea / Scheme

164. Put ----------------------- Place

165. Particular ---------------------- Specific

166. Perfect -------------------------- Flawless

167. Provide ------------------------ Supply


168. Quiet ------------------- Silent


169. Reject ------------------ Deny

170. Raise -------------------- Lift

171. Rest ----------------- Relax

172. Rich --------------------- Wealthy

173. Round --------- Circular

174. Rough --------------- Coarse

175. Rug ----------------- Carpet

176. Right ---------------- Correct / Accurate

177. Run ------------------- Race/ Dash

178. Receive -------------- Get

179. Real ------------------------ Genuine

180. Regret --------------------- Remorse

181. Remark --------------------- Comment

182. Respond ------------------------ Reply

183. Rude ------------------------------ Impolite


184. Sick -------------------- ill

185. Sincere ------------ Honest

186. Slim ------------- Thin

187. Small ----------------Tiny

188. Smart --------------------- Clever

189. Scard ------------ Afraid

190. Sad ---------------- Unhappy

191. Safe ------------------- Secure

192. Say --------------- Inform/ Tell

193. Show ---------------- Display / Present

194. Slow ------------------- Gradual

195. Stop ------------------- Odd / Weird

196. Suggest ------------------------ Propose

197. Sure ----------------------------- Certain

198. Symbolise ----------------------- Represent



199. Taxi --------- Cab

200. Trust ------------ Believe

201. Thought ------------- Idea

202. Take ----------------Hold / Seize

203. Talk ---------------------- Speak

204. Think -----------------  Contemplate / Ponder

205. True ------------------ Accurate / Right

206. Temper ------------------------- Mood

207. Tiny ------------------------ Small

208. Transform --------------------------- Change / Convert

209. Try-------------------------------- Attempt




210. unfortunate --------Unlucky

211. Use ---------------- Utilise

212. Uncommon ----------------- Unusual

213. Uncooked --------------------- Raw

214. Under ----------------------- Below



215. Value ---------- Worth

216. Vague ---------------------------- Indistinct

217. Vary ---------------------------- Differ

218. Vast --------------------- Huge



219. Want -------------- Desire

220. Weak ------------------- Feeble

221. Wonderful ----------- Amazing

222. Write ----------------- Record

223. Writer ---------------- Author

224. Wrong -------------Incorrect



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