
Timeline Of Indian History

Timeline Of Indian History

60000 BCE -32768 BCE
Human Habitation of India
55000 BCE
Cotton Cultivation Begins in India
5000 BCE
Evidence of religious Practices in the Indus Valley.
5000 BCE – 1500 BCE
The Indus Valley Civilization
4000 BCE
Indian Village of Balathal Inhabited.
3300 BCE
Early Harappan Civilization of india practices burial of the dead.
3000 BCE
The Aryans – Nmadic Northerners From central Asia, begin to migrate into the Indus Valley.
3000 BCE- 2600 BCE
The rise of the great Indian cities of Mohenjo Daro and Harappa.
2000 BCE
Pepper is Widely Used in Indian Cooking.
1700 BCE- 1500 BCE
Decline of the Harappan Culture in India.
1500 BCE- 500 BCE
The Vedic Period in India.
1000 BCE
The Aryans Expand into the Ganges Valley in India.
800 BCE – 500 BCE
Indian scholars codify and reinterpret Aryan beliefs to create the Upanishads which postulate the basic tenets of Hinduism.
700 BCE
India is divided inti 16 Aryan states or Kingdoms.
600 BCE
Charaka and Sushraura found two schools of Ayureveda.
599 BCE -527 BCE
Traditional dating of the life of Vardhamana, according to jain tradition.
544 BCE- 492 BCE
Bimbisara rules the Magadha Kingdom in India.
530 BCE
Persia conquers the Indus Valley.
520 BCE – 325 BCE
Achaemenid Rule in the Gandhara region.
500 BCE
The Indian epic the Ramayana is composed by the sage valmiki.
500 BCE
The Kingdom of Magadha, ruled by Bimbisara, is the most powerful state in India.
492 BCE – 460 BCE
Ajatashatru rules the Magadha Kingdom in india.
490 BCE – 410 BCE
The Live of Siddhartha Gautama according to modern scholar consensus.
404 BCE
First Buddhist Council at Rajgir, Bihar, India.
346 BCE – 324 BCE
Magadha`s king Mahapadma nanda makes massive conquests in nirth and eastern India including Kosala.
340 BCE – 298 BCE
Live of Indian Emeror Chandragupta, First ruler of the Mauryan Empire.

334 BCE
Second Buddhist Council at Magadha.
327 BCE – 325 BCE
Alexander`s Campaign in northern India.
325 BCE – 320 BCE

Greek rule in Gandhara, ending some time after the death of Alexander the Great.
321 BCE – 297 BCE
Reign of Chandragupta Maurya, first ruler of the Mauryan Empire.
320 BCE – 180 BCE
Mauryan rule in the Gandhara region, beginning with Chandragupta Maurya.
298 BCE – 272 BCE
Chandragupta`t song, Bindusara, rules and expands the Mauryan Empire.
268 BCE – 232 BCE
Reign of Ashoka the great, third ruler of the Mauryan Empire.
268 BCE
Ashoka becomes emperor of the Mauryan Empire in india.
200 BCE
Beginnig of the Greco-Bactrian conquests in india.
186 BCE
Demetrios wins a decisive battle in Gandhara, beginning the yona in India.
180 BCE – 80 BCE
Period of Indo-Greek rule in the Gandhara region.
165 BCE
The Greco- Bactrian king Eucratides invades india.
160 BCE – 135 BCE
Indo-Greek King Menander rules the Punjab.
80 BCE – 75 CE
The combined Scytho-Parthians rule Gandhara.
30 BCE
Pepper is directly imported by Roman ships from india and its price decreases.
1 CE
First non-stop voyages from Egypt to India.

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